it is actually a lot better than LKA on TSS, it is not even close.
Toyota and most other systems will quite often quit on you when turn gets complicated, with a beep of warning.
Up until year ago, adaptive cruise control was pretty bad in Tesla, worse than in pretty much any other vehicle i tried. It got a lot better in last 6-7 months of updates.
But what people refer to FSD is a public beta version that is only in NA and only available to certain owners. I dont have that, and FSD on its own is nothing special.
In any case, haters be haters, Tesla will sell 2x more vehicles than Lexus this year and they will do it at higher average sell price.
It is all right deserved and this is why Lexus is going EV only in next few years.
You don’t have Lexus’ average sale price, so that’s pretty funny.
Q2 sales were a big miss on already lowered/cherry-picked sales estimates (Tesla IR like many do their own analyst consensus building). Down 50,000 from Q1.
Soon their expenditures on their other plants will shift from R&D to production, and you’ll start to get a sense for where their long term margins will land.
They just hiked prices again, likely because they expect increased materials costs to start to show on their financials.
They are heavily dependent on continued growth and scaling, at a time when their biggest competitors are now just starting to enter the EV space, and as relations are irreversibly declining with their largest market for sales growth and an enormous amount of their production. Shanghai shutting down helped the big miss this quarter.
They barely outsold just Toyotas luxury division last year, during a period where their supply chain hoarding let them continue delivering in volume while companies like TMC and others ran into bottenecks.
They need loaded out model 3s for their margins. Not basic model 3s or lower margin (if any margin?) S/X sales. That’s also the market segment that’s under the most pressure from competitors like Cadillac, and fundamentally different from car makers where individual models economically need to stand on their own 2 feet.
Improving supply chain will only improve conditions for their competitors relative to Tesla. Additionally, we are in a market where cost of capital will increasingly determine sustainability of margins, growth, etc.
That said, let’s see what Q3 looks like for them. Maybe they’ll smoothly open the floodgates and somehow do 450k sales per quarter from 250k in Q2. Assuming Chinese lockdowns don’t continue as well, which seems like unlikely given whisperings of the current policies being in place until the end of the year to help reduce Chinese energy/fuel demands towards the end of the year as winter and shortages should see energy prices move higher.