ベストカーだけが知っている重大スクープ!! ベストカー2月26日号 - 自動車情報誌「ベストカー」
今号のベストカーはいつにも増して内容てんこ盛りです!! LFAIIのスクープに始まり、東京オートサロン2022で登場した市販確定車の詳細レポート、絶対王者ノア/ヴォクシーのわかりやすいニューカーガイドなどなどビックリするほどの充実ぶりです…
Super SPY Scoop
Introduced in 2025 Lexus LFAII is sure to be on the market with V8, 4L twin turbo !!
The BC Scoop Team developed a scoop entitled "2025 LFAII Revival" in the December 10, 2021 issue, and the response was remarkable.
On the other hand, Toyota held a Toyota electrification strategy presentation on December 14, 2021, where the existence of the Lexus electrified sport, which is a super sport of BEV, was revealed, and the readers also said, "The scoop of the best car. I think there were many people who felt that "was wrong !?"
And Toyota unveiled the GR GT3 concept for the first time in the world at the Tokyo Auto Salon 2022.
What is the relationship between the Lexus LFA II, the electrified sport, and the GR GT3 concept? We will deliver detailed information such as what kind of development will actually be shown.
We will show you important information that cannot be obtained in other magazines.
Collected sports
GR GT3 concept