Mazda CX 70


At this point, it's more like most brands, even many mainstream regular brands, are ripping off consumers. Problems is, there are people who are willing to pay those prices even when they don't actually need those products, the $100k Jeeps with engines that explode after like a few thousands miles of driving are my favourite example.
At this point, it's more like most brands, even many mainstream regular brands, are ripping off consumers. Problems is, there are people who are willing to pay those prices even when they don't actually need those products, the $100k Jeeps with engines that explode after like a few thousands miles of driving are my favourite example.
Don't get me started on a UX, CLA or A3/Q3.
They cost $45k CAD - $53k CAD starting and get you little in return. I can get a CX-5 or CX-50 hybrid. Pay a bit more and CX-90 is available... If Mazda can make an I6, RWD full size crossover with quality, the entry luxury cars are priced way above what it costs to make them...

This dude on YouTube told me he isn't a fan of Mazda and would rather get a CLA or GLB than a wannabe luxury vehicle (CX-70 and 90). I called him out and he's super defensive lol. He tells me a CLA (52k CAD) drives more solid than a CX-5 ($34k CAD). And he's telling me a GLE is better than an X5.
I can't believe people would rather get a small FWD mediocre luxury car over a CX-70 🤤


Don't get me started on a UX, CLA or A3/Q3.
They cost $45k CAD - $53k CAD starting and get you little in return. I can get a CX-5 or CX-50 hybrid. Pay a bit more and CX-90 is available... If Mazda can make an I6, RWD full size crossover with quality, the entry luxury cars are priced way above what it costs to make them...

This dude on YouTube told me he isn't a fan of Mazda and would rather get a CLA or GLB than a wannabe luxury vehicle (CX-70 and 90). I called him out and he's super defensive lol. He tells me a CLA (52k CAD) drives more solid than a CX-5 ($34k CAD). And he's telling me a GLE is better than an X5.
I can't believe people would rather get a small FWD mediocre luxury car over a CX-70 🤤
A mercedes fanboy that fanboys over the wrong kind of mercs, you've met a real special specimen lol 😂