Mike is that your car?? I cannot tell!
That was a great unintended ad for the LC. Almost as good as the one where a Hellcat outran the helicopter.
Those wheels...
Are they the standard oem color swapped? Looks amazing.
I like the old wheels better. The new one looks too SciFi. It kinda ruins the LCs elegance.nah.
they shoulda offered both the original one and the inverted one. They had done the same thing on the LS. The color swapped one stinks!
It's a lousy render like it has always been the case for Lexus.
This one looks a little "more realistic" but I'm still not feeling it.
compared to 2023 and prior
lol its look like its the wheels are similar to me, the painted portion just got flipped
We were actually supposed to get an IS500h b4 they changed plans for whatever reason. But hey we got a V8