
BMW is killing it with their PHVs. The 530Le is one of the most popular PHVs in ChDM despite of its price, outselling even the Levin and Corolla PHVs, combined. And it just makes sense: for many premium car buyers it is actually the cheapest entry for the green license plate.

Despite of BMW's lackluster BEV effort their PHV strategy seems to be working for them, and I expect the 330Le to make things even better. Lexus should take note. Every future Lexus TNGA product in the future needs to be offered with a PHV variant from Day 1 to stay relevant.


getting tired of waiting for the hybrid king to lead in the EV segment. I'm seriously thinking of moving to Tesla if Lexus doesn't take the lead. too little evolution year after year from a deep pocket corporation where Tesla took the bull by the horn and developed an infrastructure. this comment is in relation to the Hydrogen cars, for over 10 years they talk about it but no infrastructure in place to use such technology. I was at the Montreal car show and noticed those useless models again. Toyota should learn from Tesla, Sh@@ or get off the pot, build the hydrogen network if your really serious.


getting tired of waiting for the hybrid king to lead in the EV segment. I'm seriously thinking of moving to Tesla if Lexus doesn't take the lead. too little evolution year after year from a deep pocket corporation where Tesla took the bull by the horn and developed an infrastructure. this comment is in relation to the Hydrogen cars, for over 10 years they talk about it but no infrastructure in place to use such technology. I was at the Montreal car show and noticed those useless models again. Toyota should learn from Tesla, Sh@@ or get off the pot, build the hydrogen network if your really serious.

Doesn't make sense to wait for Toyota, if you are into EVs, buy Tesla today


getting tired of waiting for the hybrid king to lead in the EV segment. I'm seriously thinking of moving to Tesla if Lexus doesn't take the lead. too little evolution year after year from a deep pocket corporation where Tesla took the bull by the horn and developed an infrastructure. this comment is in relation to the Hydrogen cars, for over 10 years they talk about it but no infrastructure in place to use such technology. I was at the Montreal car show and noticed those useless models again. Toyota should learn from Tesla, Sh@@ or get off the pot, build the hydrogen network if your really serious.
It is not realistic to expect one automaker to build a complete hydrogen-as-fuel infrastructure that would include building production and refining facilities of the fuel (producing the hydrogen), building the storage and distribution network from the production source to the refueling stations, and building the refueling stations (including local storage). It may not even be realistic to expect a formal consortium of automakers to build the complete infrastructure. It is just too expensive, so would require help from governments and fuel companies.

In comparison, Tesla only had to build the refueling stations, and because the fuel is electricity, there is no need for storage; the production and distribution network is already in place.


Yes that is the advice for all the EV enthusiasts out there: if you really, really want to adopt the EV lifestyle early, buy a Tesla today. Do not wait for anyone else.