GAC-Toyota RAV4,“Wildlander”
so powerful,amazing…OMG! The RAV4 Prime is the modern day reincarnation of the RAV4 V6 with 302 hp and a 0-60 of 5.8 s...
Hopefully this will end up in the next-gen NX to help it stand out from its competitors. Hopefully this ends up in the Camry/ES/Avalon too (fingers crossed)
EDIT: Here's the official press release:
Toyota Revs Up Lineup with New 302-Horsepower RAV4 Prime - Toyota USA Newsroom
LOS ANGELES (Nov. 20, 2019) - The fifth-generation Toyota RAV4, on the market for barely a year, is going more places than it has ever gone before. The arrival of the first-ever RAV4 TRD Off-Road model was announced earlier this year, and today, at the Los Angeles Auto Show, Toyota debuts a
Rav4 Prime goes on sale in US and Japan next summer. Europe gets it later in 2020. Same 2.5l petrol engine as in hybrid but new highcapacity li-ion battery. It has class leading 302hp and 0-96kmh 5.8s. It has same interior space as hybrid and E four system. EPA range is 62km so WLTP will be near 100km.
TOYOTA、ロサンゼルスオートショーでRAV4のプラグインハイブリッド車を世界初披露 | トヨタ | グローバルニュースルーム | トヨタ自動車株式会社 公式企業サイト
TOYOTAは、米国で11月22日(金)から開催のロサンゼルスオートショーにおいて、RAV4のプラグインハイブリッド車(PHV)である「RAV4 Prime」(米国車名・米国仕様)を世界初披露します。RAV4のPHVは、米国および日本では2020年夏、欧州では2020年後半の発売を予定しています。
If you don't have anywhere to plug it in, does it just function like a normal hybrid? Still the same performance specs, etc?
Yes, it will be as a normal hybrid, in fact it has a bigger battery so the regenerative braking with the battery can give you much more milage than the normal hybrid