On one hand enthusiasts are angry that Lexus isn't doing the same as MB/BMW and having one F per model.
On the other, enthusiasts are also angry that Lexus isn't rowing towards their own lane of extreme plush, quiet, dreamy luxury.
Look, not everybody can be pleased. MB and BMW did not start their performance lines with every available model. They started small and built the brand, they did what was good for them and what their customers were liking. Lexus has no doubt received much more favorable reviews after they have concentrated on the driving experience aspect, most negative reviews on Lexus for the last few years has just been about the infotainment, which IMO is an overall huge positive for Lexus.
Lexus' LS line did well when it was the clear value option, but as time passes and Lexus builds their brand/heritage, they had to up their prices. Perhaps at those prices, buyers prefer MB/BMW since they will receive the benefit of the badge, and thats why we see Lexus doing so well in their sweet spot mid level price range.
There is also no evidence that the customers will pay the new Lexus prices if they went back to the "Passionate Pursuit of Perfection", champagne-glass-on-the-hood, days.
I do agree that Lexus is playing catch up since they aren't leading major trends as they tend to take longer time to react to the fast changing culture. I'm sure we all know here it wasn't that Lexus didn't believe in electric, instead they doubled down on hybrid because they wanted to skip electric and go directly to Hydrogen. Maybe that was the wrong call, maybe not, we still don't know the future of hydrogen yet but we do know its not getting the attention due to Tesla. Its a hard balance to be the cool agile brand that adapts to culture quickly, but also maintain the reputation of being the highest reliability in the industry. Look how long they took to adapt Carplay and Android, they had to learn the, "if you can't beat them join them" saying, the hard way on this one and I hope Lexus takes those lessons to heart.