Lexus USA Kicks Off Golden Opportunity Sales Event with Golden Commercials

This trio of commercials for Lexus USA’s Golden Opportunity event are top class, well exceeding what you would expect from a routine sales announcement:

The first commercial features the Lexus flagships, and is particularly well-written — “You can’t achieve a higher standard of craftsmanship, without a higher standard of craftsman”. There are shades of old-school Lexus bragging about touting its quality as a defining feature. Big thumbs up.

I saw the deals online on the Lexus Website. However these deals are totally different than those of last year.

Example: Lexus offered the IS with 0.9 and 1.9 APR in 2017. Why is the offer only 2.9 APR this year? The Golden Opportunity is also a month shorter. It used to end in Sept.

I might purchase a Lexus IS daily. Will I still be able to get good deals (Golden Opportunity deals) when its non-sales?
Is there any rumor or information going around that they'll do another sale in August?
