Lexus OEM door edge guards

Any advice? Miserably failing at installing the Lexus OEM door edge guards just purchased from local Lexus parts deptl The staff there, both in the bays and in parts have little experience installing them. I am using the drivers door first. Utilizing all directions and tips from the Toyota Service Info that comes with. The template, a rubber mallet, and the correct locations to give the guard a tap, trying to secure onto the edge of the door. No way is it going to grip, falling off every time. Even tried painters tape to secure as I was tapping. I am using the mallet with perpendicular accuracy, but still, the guard will not remain on. Any tips or secrets please. I'm great with tools, cars, Yota's, and attaching stuff to stuff...with delicate and patience.
But this ain't happening yet. And dealer guys are sympathetic, but, no experiences with these. Help if you can please . Thank you.