Key-Fob Getting Weak? Might be something very simple.


Key-Fob Getting Weak? Might be something very simple.

After a couple of years of use, is your remote key fob getting weak? You can first tell by the remote-transmitting distance to flash the lights when the vehicle is locked or unlocked getting have to get nearer to the vehicle for it to work. The lock/unlock button might not work the first time, or you may have to push it harder than usual. Or, if the vehicle is so-equipped, the little push-buttons on the exterior door-handles may not work reliably, or require multiple-pushes.

If so, it is not necessarily a problem with the vehicle's electronics or the remote don't let the dealership sell you on something like rebooting or reprogramming the system....usually for a price. It could be something as simple as merely changing the small battery inside the plastic fob-case...typically, they last from two to five years with average use, although when properly stored, their shelf-life can often be longer than that.

As always, check your Owners' Manual for the proper battery-size and changing-procedure, but, in general, the fobs for many different vehicles use a round CR2032 or equivalent ubiquitous, common lithium battery that can be found at many local stores for a reasonable price.

With many fobs, changing the cell is simple. If the fob has an emergency key, press the small button to release the key, pull it out, and, using a flat blade, gently pry the two halves of the cover apart. (remember, the cover is plastic and too much force will break it). pull the old battery out, dispose of it, and insert the new cell with the proper polarity-facing down. Then just snap the two haves of the cover back together, slide the key back in, and Bingo, you should be ready to go. Not all fobs, of course, have a key, and, if it doesn't, that makes it even simpler.


This generalized video will also help.
