More communities banning gas-powered Leaf-Blowers and Lawn Equipment


More communities banning gas-powered Leaf-Blowers and Lawn Equipment
More and more communities across the country are banning gas-powered lawn-equipment. I thought this might be an interesting topic to post and/or discuss. So far, not surprisingly, the majority of the banning has been in California, but some other places, such as in Colorado, and even right here in D.C. are following suit. Now, there is a proposal in California to ban them state-wide.

I myself am more or less neutral on the issue. I don't like the loud/constant noise and pollution (including unhealthy fungi, bacteria, mold, viruses, etc...) these gas-powered devices can stir up. Gas-powered leaf blowers, when used in public parking-lots, are so powerful that they can also damage auto finishes by blowing grit and particles into them at very high speeds like sand-blasting. The whirling-cords of the gas-powered edgers can also damage nearby things if not aimed very carefully. But I can also see the other side of the issue, where, with only less-powerful electric devices, it will make it much more difficult (and perhaps more expensive) for lawn-maintenance companies and homeowners to get the job done, and some may go out of business. Electric devices, if not cordless, also have the hazard of the cords getting cut, creating a shock hazard, so you have to be very careful keeping the cords behind you, and electric lawn mowers generally can't be used in the rain.



I'm not a lawn guy but I've used both before. If the electric is just as effective and obviously quieter I'm all for it. Funny this past Saturday we wanted to sleep in a little and at 8:30am the landscapers for the HOA are ripping it up and woke us up. Not an issue for us but for some people it might be.

Ian Schmidt

Electric lawn stuff definitely hasn't advanced as quickly as EVs, but I have a cordless Ryobi string trimmer that I'm very happy with, and the battery for it also works in a small mower that I use for tight spots that my riding mower can't get to.