Uh huh... BS eh? I'm not going to go too much into politics for the sake of decorum, and I would dm you to tell you fully about the state of affairs, but you've blocked me for... some reason...
Come actually live in Canada like I have done and speak with regular Canadians. I frequent both countries and I'm betting my balls I've been in Canada for way longer than you have.
HDI? That means nothing when over 1/4 of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque and are waiting at food banks. But oh, we have international students (that come on the pretence that they could comfortably live here while they're in school) that scam food banks and actually take away resources from the ones that are one bounced paycheque away from not paying their rent. You can look this up (I know you won't because you'll deny it to high hell). People that struggle to support their own kids are forced to work multiple jobs, as the government continues to further tax them, and spend their money, and print even more money unnecessarily. You can also look this up.
Youth unemployment is in the double digits. TFW's are pouring into Canada that are taking jobs from PRs and citizens that want to work, but then these TFWs begin hiring other TFWs and engage in a wage suppression scheme, all endorsed by the federal government.
The Canadian dollar is at over 2 decade lows, and it's exacerbated by the lack of economic activity and the sheer amount of taxation that businesses have to face. I know what it's like, because I know how a business is run and how people are affected by the federal government's poor policies. ~12-14 years ago the CAD was stronger than the USD, and the Conservative government artificially weakened it so it wouldn't disrupt trade between Canada and the United States.
Violent crime and non-violent crime is at an all-time high. Here, I'll spoon-feed this one into you. This also does not take into consideration of the ones that are unreported, which is extremely common across Canada.
Our medical system has grinded to a halt. Emergency visits to the hospital take several hours before you can even be processed in the waiting room. Wait times for surgeries can last from 6 months to 2-5 years depending on the surgery. If you have depression or are disabled, doctors in Canada have recommended MAID (yes, assisted unaliving) as a potential solution, and this is without the patient ever asking for MAID in any way, shape or form. Shortages of doctors, nurses, and staff are all prevalent due to the sheer amount of red tape that is in Canada.
Speaking of red tape, Canada is the 2nd slowest country in the OECD in terms of building homes. Permits can take as long as a couple of years in order for everything to be cleared. There is a housing crisis across Canada, and the lack of jobs, rampant inflation, and lack of supply of homes make everything worse for younger people that are trying to purchase their first home. For those who already have a home, they're either boomers or gen-X'ers that got lucky and their entire wealth is due to the value of their home doubling, tripling, and even quadrupling. Canada's economy is propped up by the real estate market, and most sectors are gutted by the Canadian government's taxation and overregulation which has driven Canadian businesses down south. Not that you would know. Yes, the 2/3rds of homeowners are fine because they are the ones that bought a home for 2 raisins and now it's worth over 1.5 to 2.5 million dollars. These are the boomers and gen-X'ers that have had an iron grip on everything and the current government is capitulating to them given that they are the biggest voter bloc. OTOH, Trudeau's solution to the housing crisis? Spend millions of dollars on a
housing catalogue. Not building houses, but creating a
Just 10 years ago, the United States would on average invest 500 billion dollars a year into Canadian businesses, and today it has shifted over 1T to the other side, where now Canada invests on average 500 billion dollars a year into the United States as businesses continue to wilt and die in Canada.
Canadians get taxed an ungodly amount of money to only receive middling care. "Free healthcare" would make sense if the government wouldn't piss all those tax dollars away, but they did, and here we are. On the other hand, Canadians have some of the highest payments in the world when it comes to their car and home insurance plans, so it evens out. Most Canadians can purchase a health insurance plan with the sheer amount of money that they spend on insurance for other things.
Justin Trudeau has gutted every single industry in Canada, gave handouts to his best friends, engaged in rampant corruption, and allowed all the potential money in businesses setting up shop in Canada to go into the hands of the United States. Thanks to him, Canadians are way more reliant on the United States than they were 10 years ago and this trade war will not last long as Canadians will break, because they are already under pressure for the reasons I mentioned above. Trudeau refused to support and further build Canada's oil and gas industry and build refineries where in case of something like this, Trudeau could easily have talked the talk, and walked the walk.
All of these things are realities that exist in Canada but the United States does not have to deal with (except the crime issue). So yeah, who gives a damn about HDI when these problems exist?
Canadians have always had their distinct identity, which is something that Trudeau wanted to eliminate and in 2015, he dubbed Canada as a "post-national ethnostate". So NOW he wants to be all nationalistic? Get outta here.
Also LOL, the NDP is more hated than the Liberals in Canada. The leader of that party (which is meant to be a party for the working-class), Jagmeet Singh, kept the country hostage in order to attain his 2.3 million dollar pension that will start vesting in ~1-2 weeks. His wife's estate is already worth 44 million dollars mind you. He lied to Canadians by first promising that he will topple the government only for him to reject any non-confidence motions. NDP supporters were in huge disbelief at this thought, but once Christmas break came in and they were out of parliament until late January of 2025, Jagmeet finally said he would be open to voting yes on the non-confidence vote. The first possible time they could vote was late-January, and the election would fall right after the February date, where the pension will vest.
The Canadian people despise Trudeau as seen here. His approval rating is an eyewateringly low 19% (this poll takes aggregates, so it shows at 21%, it includes some outliers) and over 80% of Canadians want an election. Trudeau shut down democracy for an extra 2 months so they can coronate the next Liberal party leader while Canadians are suffering by their horrendous policies. But oh wait, let's unite against the big bad Trump guy and forget all the crap that they're doing! Hooray!! Pathetic.
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Tracking Prime Minister Trudeau The Freeland Factor: Among potential Trudeau replacements, can ex-minister save a sinking Liberal ship? The Federal Liberals’ New Year’s Eve Nightmare: Party vote intent sinks to 16%, Trudeau approval at all-time low End of year review: While Trudeau’s future is...
Stupid populist garbage? I'm sorry I'll just tell the average Canadian to go f*ck themselves because Mr.
@CRSKTN quotes from mainstream media and thinks the HDI is a good indicator of what's going on in Canada at its current time. I'll be sure to get them to apologize to you my liege!!!!!!!!! The Conservative Party is on track to get the biggest supermajority any party has ever seen in Canadian history, and that's due to the backwards policies that the braindead Liberal-NDP government has set over the last 9.5 years, but even then,
people are also extremely upset at Poilievre (who will be Canada's next Prime Minister), because he agrees on retaliatory tariffs too. Read what your average Canadian says in the comments section of his posts.
They don't want a trade war with Trump, because they know they will lose.
So who knows more? You? A rampant leftist that thinks the usage of vulgar terms and sophistry is enough to conceal the pain that Canadians are feeling, and Trump is exacerbating that pain?
Or... the Canadian people, where they're constantly gaslit by the media and the government that everything is fine and to ignore about inflation, housing crisis, rampant crime, and the lack of job prosperity which is responsible for young and old Canadians leaving to the United States en masse. The Canadians that actually SEE what's going on every day.
🥱🥱 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Trump's request is simple. Secure the border and increase military spending, which ironically are things that Canada needs to do regardless of what Trump says. Instead the Canadian government thinks that trying to fight a superpower with a country that has been gutted, cleaned out, and risking everything that Canadians have is the way to go instead of listening to the man that steers the ship that is the most powerful country in the world.
Yes, the United States needs Canada's energy that comes from BC and Alberta especially and Trudeau can easily cut the northern states off easily. Yes, Canada sells crude oil to the US at an insane discount, then the Americans refine it and sell it for 3x more on average. All of these things are true, but angering America even more is not something that people want to deal with because the consequences will be huge. Once Trudeau is gone, Canada will need the United States to rebuild themselves, as Canada doesn't have refineries like the United States does and reduce their reliance from America.
Posture all you want
@CRSKTN, and you can try lecturing me about how everything works despite you having zero grasp of what it's like in terms of day-to-day life in Canada, but you're wrong, again. I talk with people every single day, and they all tell me the same thing. Regardless of their opinion on Trump (some really dislike him, and some adore him in Canada), the consensus is the same on Trudeau and the current government in power. They're deliberately destroying Canada as you know it, and I'm not going to have some midwit like you tell me otherwise. You're out of your depth.
There's still way more I have yet to mention, but I already have a feeling that
@mikeavelli or
@Gecko would want to take this down. I think it should be up for the sake of posterity, and this will be the final time I will speak on this matter to appease them.