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" /> Lexus Press Conference @ Frankfurt 2007 | Lexus Enthusiast

Lexus Press Conference @ Frankfurt 2007

The Auto Channel has posted the full Lexus press conference from the 2007 IAA Frankfurt Auto Show, presented by Karl Schlicht, Vice President of Lexus Europe:

For the most part, the press conference confirms my earlier thoughts on Lexus’ presence in Frankfurt, revealing no new information, but there’s another side to it. With his singular focus on hybrid technology, Schlicht reveals a clear European strategy, and for all the right reasons: 80% of RX owners in Europe opt for the hybrid version, so the technology is obviously of great appeal.

As further proof, it was announced today that Lexus will launching a £6 million hybrid marketing campaign in the UK.

What’s interesting is the duality of the Lexus brand in Europe, with their current emphasis on the environmental benefit of hybrid technology, only to supplant it with the release of the IS-F in early 2008. A tough act to balance, to be sure, but handled successfully, Lexus stands to finally make inroads into the European market, which seems to be a number one priority.
